Drive repeat purchases using personalised campaigns!

2 Minutes

Here’s how you can leverage your customers’ purchase history to encourage repeat purchases - Personalised campaigns is your answer!

Here, we take you through how purchase history can drive repeat ordering for your restaurant, no matter which category it falls into. A recent personalised experiment through WhatsApp campaigns proved that for Naturals Ice Cream, Sbarro, and MamaZ.

We chose to highlight these brands because they vary on the following parameters - → Geographies → Customer demographics → Customer base (size) → Overall offerings
With all the variations in place, these 3 brands showed similar customer behaviour in terms of purchases, and ROAS in general.

The Challenge -

  • Meta Ads are an expensive channel to maintain, specifically for customer retention.
  • SMS campaigns cannot be personalised easily, and have character limits.
  • SMS campaigns also restrict media additions like pictures and videos.

The Solution -

We decided to take our newly introduced WhatsApp campaigns on Thrive, and turn it up a notch. We added in a personalised note for each customer, highlighting their frequently ordered items from the restaurant, similar to the #SpotifyWrapped trend that usually floods social handles towards the end of the year.

Here are a few benefits of the same -

  • Customers felt a sense of familiarity with the brand.
  • Their preferred items were mentioned in a single message, giving them an extra nudge to purchase.
  • CTA buttons allowed them to explore other items on the restaurant’s menu too.
  • The content was trending and interested the customers who were targeted.
  • The content was re-engaging, because of a discount, the customer could avail.

The Impact -

The impact felt through these campaigns was a resounding success. Brands received ROAS that was unheard of.

Overall, here are a few key metrics to look at before taking a more detailed look into the campaigns -

Messages delivered to order conversion rate - 1.61% (5X better conversion rate than previous campaigns)

Messages delivered to sessions rate - 7% (40% better than previous campaigns)

Here’s how each of the brand’s campaigns faired -

Naturals Ice Cream -

→ Messages delivered: 24,853

→ Orders: 574

→ Conversion rate: 2.31% (average earlier in Dec ‘22 was 0.10%)

→ ROAS: 18.78X

Sbarro -

→ Messages delivered: 4,347

was→ Orders: 31

→ Conversion rate: 0.84%

→ ROAS: 7.89X

Mama Z -

→ Messages delivered: 1258

→ Orders: 8

→ Conversion rate: 0.64%

→ ROI: 40.37X

Want to know how you can activate personalised WhatsApp campaigns too? Learn how. Get in touch with us!

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